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Showing posts from September, 2010


All these years, I kept wondering why negativity runs faster as compared to positivity, now, I think that the - (negativity) has a horizontal line, which does not touch the ground and has no weight, it simply flies whereas, + (positivity) has a vertical line too that touches the ground and has weight. Remember, negativity might get you the wealth and the temporary comforts in your life, will not be able to give you PEACE and STABILITY in your life. Be POSITIVE in your outlook and actions - it is the Mantra for the prosperous future community. …Mukesh


It was a Sports Stadium. Eight Children were standing on the track to participate in a running event. * Ready! * Steady! * Bang !!! With the sound of Toy pistol, All eight girls started running. Hardly had they covered ten to fifteen steps, when one of the smaller girls slipped and fell down, Due to bruises and pain she started crying. When the other seven girls heard the little girl cry they stopped running, stood for a while and turned back. Seeing the girl on the track they all ran to help. One among them bent down, picked her up and kissed her gently And enquired as to how she was.. They then lifted the fallen girl pacifying her. Two of them held her firmly while all seven joined hands together and walked together towards the winning post........ There was pin drop silence at the spectator's stand. Officials were shocked. Slow claps multiplied to thousands as the spectators stood up in appreciation. Many eyes were filled with tears And perhaps even God's YES, this happened